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I subjoin the results yielded by one of the experiments. The living body of one of the criminals weighed 60,140 grammes (132-7 pounds), and the same body after decapitation 54,600 grammes; consequently 5,540 grammes of blood had escaped. 28-560. grammes of this blood yielded 5-36 grammes of solid residue; 60-5 grammes of sanguineous water collected after the injection, contained 3'724 grammes of solid substances; NFL Jerseys Cheap , NFL Jerseys Sale 6,050 grammes of the sanguineous water that returned from the veins were collected, and these contained 37-24 grammes of solid residue, which corresponds to 1,980 grammes of blood; consequently, the body contained 7,520 grammes (16-59 pounds), 5,540 escaping in the act of decapitation, and 1,980 remaining in the body; hence, the weight of the whole blood was to that of the body nearly in the ratio of 1: 8. The other experiment yielded a precisely similar result. " GHD Straighteners , GHD Hair Straightener It cannot be assumed that such experiments as these possess extreme accuracy, but they appear to have the advantage of giving in this manner the minimum of the blood contained in the body of an adult man; for although some solid substances, not belonging to the blood, may be taken up by the water from the parenchyma of the organs permeated with capillary vessels, the excess thus obtained is so completely counteracted by the deficiency caused by the retention of some blood in the capillaries, and in part by transudation, that our estimate of the quantity of blood contained in the human body may be considered as slightly below the actual quantity."1 In extreme obesity, Cheap GHD Hair Straighteners , NFL Jerseys Wholesale the weight of the blood would not bear a natural ratio to that of the body; but from the data which we have at our command, we may state the proportion in a well-formed man to be about 1 to 8, or the whole quantity of blood at from 16 to 20 pounds avoirdupois.

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